No Free Lunch   2010 (section 1: 9/2-9/20)
Mon., Thurs. 4:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Betsy Sherman

First Law of Thermodynamics
The total amount of energy in the universe remains the same; energy can be neither created nor destroyed.


-heat and temperature; potential and kinetic energy

-change of states

-chemical reactions-energy requiring, energy liberating

-energy transfer

            heat-conduction, convection, radiation

            mechanical energy transfer-friction

            effect on organisms


Second Law of Thermodynamics: In any transfer of energy, while the TOTAL energy in the universe remains the same, the amount of energy available to organize

matter (Free Energy) decreases, as some of the energy is "lost" to the system as heat (which cannot organize matter).  The consequence of less and less energy

being available to organize matter is that matter becomes less organized over time.  In other words, the second law predicts that disorganization of matter, ENTROPY,

will increase over time.


-direction of heat energy transfer

-illustrative activities

-probability and simulations

-jumping beans (an analogy)


Consequences of the Second Law


-time's arrow


-how do organisms maintain themselves

-energy transfers among different trophic levels in ecosystems

-thermal pollution


 Course Requirements
Attendance is required.  There will be a few short readings.  Our work will be to design and carry out experiments that illustrate energy transfer in physical and biological systems.  Bring a notebook and writing implement.  Bring enthusiasm.  You will be asked to graph and interpret the results of your experiments (that will be facilitated by our discusions).