FORESTS 2017:  QUESTIONS TWO: DUE Monday October 15

(Review posted notes for population regulation section as needed to make sure concepts and background for these questions are clear.)

1. Infectious disease -- the effects of pathogens and parasites -- can be a significant cause of mortality in almost all species (malaria, for example, has probably caused more human deaths than any other single factor). Would you expect disease to function generally as a density-dependent or a density-independent factor in its effects on population growth? Explain your answer in terms of the underlying premises distinguishing these concepts (i.e., does the size or density of the population affect basic population-regulation processes?) How might you test your expectation (hypothesis) for a particular case? Think in terms of predictions and possible experiments... (For example, a few years ago, a rabies epidemic caused local racoon populations to decline substantially; what information might allow you to assess whether the effects of rabies were, in this case, density-dependent?)

2. The figure below describes an approximate trajectory of global human population growth since the origins of agriculture about 11,000 years ago.  Note that the verticle axis is scaled exponentially. a) During what periods do we observe what looks like exponential growth with a constant value of "r" (intrinsic rate of increase)?  b) How and when does it appear that r changes?  c) What are possible reasons for changes in r (consider the essential demographic components of 'r'; think in terms of factors that might limit population growth)? d) Can you use the information on this graph to infer anything about the global human carrying capacity? Explain...

human pop

1. These graphs show how two related species of fish -- brown trout (open bars) and arctic char (filled bars) use different types of prey (as percentages of their total diet) when they are living in same streams (sympatric, bottom) or in separate streams (allopatric, top).  The prey types are: A = small fish, B = small crustaceans, C = large crustaceans, D = insect larvae, E = terrestrial insects, F = everything else.  Interpret these data to
generate hypotheses about the the fundamental and realized niches of these species as they are related to food, and about the competitive relationships between them.  These data are collected from stomach contents of wild fish in unmanipulated streams.  Propose an additional experiment to test some aspect of the hypotheses you come up with.